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School Lunches and Playtime Snacks

Playtime snacks

In an effort to promote healthy eating, we only allow fruit and vegetables to be brought into school for morning playtime. Children in Key Stage 1 receive free fruit each day. Milk is also available free of charge for under-fives. Parents of children over five who wish to pay for milk for their child can do so by contacting CoolMilk via the website or by obtaining a leaflet from the school office.

School Lunches

Children have a choice between ordering a two course hot lunch or a  packed lunch from our caterers. All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a daily free school hot meal. Hot lunches are cooked for us by an external caterer (Piskula Catering). At the present time, meals cost £2.60 per day and children choose what they would like to eat from a menu provided  in advance. These lunches comply with the Governments standards for food in school and our current Environmental Health Rating is the maximum 5 Stars. 

If preferred, children can bring in a packed lunch  and we encourage parents to provide healthy options. Parents are requested to mark their children's lunch containers with names and ensure that they are collected at the end of each school day. Please ensure that the meal provides a balanced diet. Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed to be brought to school. We ask that no nuts or nut products are brought into school either due to allergies.

Key Stage 2 Your child may be entitled to a free lunch. Please contact the school office for details. All enquiries will be dealt with confidentially.

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